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(c) Can Stock Photo

Most of the people think that acne and pimples usually appear on teens because of the result of growing and some changes in their organisms. In reality, it is not so. Acne and pimples can appear on adults and even on old people as well. There are many different causes for this. Anyway no matter why you got acne or pimples, no matter at which age, this is really something that no one likes and everyone truly wants to fight against pimples.  For teens pimples and acne can be really depressing because they are young, they want to good look, and when they see that others may not be having acne or pimples and they do have, they may fall into depression. While when it comes to old people, they really can be depressed with the fact of having pimples and acne just like teens. Some of them think that they are getting really old, and this fact makes them sad, they still want to look good and handsome, and all of a sudden they see pimples and acne on their face. This can be even more depressing for men than for women.

There are many reasons why old men may get pimples and acne. One is the hormonal reason. After 60 some men are still in the menopause stage, and this increases the risks of getting pimples and acne. While some men are in the menopause stage, they may face the problem of having pimples and acne or other breakouts, while some others may in opposite way get rid or pimples and acne during this period.

Antidepressants, pills against stress and depression are also very likely to be the cause of the appearance of acne and of pimples for men.

To understand why pimples and acne appear we need to have a deeper look at menopause stage. The male organism faces the drop of testosterone level which contributes to oil production in male organism. This technically can cause the appearance of acne and pimples in male organism.

You’re eating habits and diet can also cause acne and pimples appearance on your face. If you eat greasy meals this does not mean you will have oily face full of pimples and acnes, but on the other hand, sugar and chocolate can lead to having pimples, especially at old age.

The next cause for pimples and acne appearing on your face most likely be stress. So it is not secret that you should care about your nerves and be tolerant, otherwise stress will have its results as pimples and acne on your face. This mostly happens while you are young.

There are different ways for fighting against pimples and getting rid of them at old age. This can be done at home or at doctor’s office. The thing is that when you try to solve the problem on your own, by just squeezing the pimples, you have the risk of taking an infection and making things worse. While, if it is done by doctor, then it is taken as a small surgery. The latter is way better option than squeezing yourself. When you squeeze, besides the infection you also may spread the pimples. In reality you do not notice than but this may happen and you will see another pimple on the other place of your skin or face. That is the result of your squeezing.

There are some other ways of squeezing as well, such as the use of alphy-hydroxy acids, topical antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide and others. However, the appearance of pimples and acne is not a joke. Of course it is not a big problem, but whatever you do, you should ask the advice of your doctor. Otherwise there is big chance and risk that you will make the situation even worse and will eventually end up having even more pimples and acne. When these are on face, then you have to be even much more careful, because they is not much chance to hide it If it is one face.

The appearance of acnes and pimples is really irritating both for men and women. Women take it easier usually then men, because women are more used to these kind of things, than men. In case of men, this can make them run into depression, so just if you are not so young and you face this problem, just go to doctor and consult with him, do not do anything on your own.