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If you ask people what their favorite material is, many people would definitely vote for leather. Leather is classy, beautiful, if fits perfectly many people and it is just beautiful. Leather is one of the few materials that actually are simple but on the other hand have the chic vibes. That is the reason why leather is such a popular material among many and many people, and it is getting even more popular. I cannot remember a time, where leathers were not popular. Leathers make perfect material for jackets, for trousers, for handbags and even for some accessories. Real leather material is really an expensive one, that is the reason why many designers just use the artificial leather, which came to replace the real leather just I cheapest way.

Not many people know this fact, but is should be emphasized that leather dates back to early times and to ancient times. Let’s go back to early stage of human existence due to which leather tanning is known to be as one of the oldest human activities. Our ancestors hunted for different kind of animals and used their skins and leathers for making footwear, shelter and even clothes. So as you can guess leather is really ancient material which is durable and which overweighs many other materials in good feathers, including not only the beauty, but also comfort, resilience and durability.

However, one of the major disadvantages and may be even the only disadvantage of leather is that this material picks up too much dirt, and taking really good care of you leather staff may be hard. However, do not be disappointed, we will teach you how to clean leather.

Today we will focus on the leather jackets, as the latters are very fashionable now.

It is delicate material, so keep in mind that using old soaps or other cleaning things will result in misshaping the jacket and will make the jacket lose its color.

Before starting the cleaning process first you have to read the instructions of manufacturer. You will find the list of instructions on the label. Read the instruction carefully in order not to miss any kind of special requirement.

  1. Just take a small piece of any material and wipe the jacket. You may feel sometimes that the jacket is very dirty, but sometimes wiping is just what you need. So before using any kind of cleaning material or product, just wipe the jacket, it will help to remove most of the dust and dirt found on your jacket. However, if the dirty spots are not removed, do not be worried, there is a solution to that also.
  2. The next thing you can do is to take a soft cloth, add some non-water base cleaner for leather and clean the jacket. You should read in the instructions what kind of stain it is useful for. You should avoid using rough sponges or clothes. Instead use a very soft piece of cloth, which will not scratch the leather.
  3. Sometimes it is not just about the dirt spots, but you need to wash the whole jacket in general. For that you will have to use mild liquid soap and lukewarm water, otherwise there is a risk you will harm the leather. While the liquid soap does not contain any rough and harsh chemical. All you need to do is to add the liquid soap in lukewarm water and just rub the dirty parts gently until they are cleaned.
  4. You may be surprised to know this, but you can clean the leather jacket with the help of olive oil. However, the olive oil is not the only option. You can use also other kind of vegetable oil. So all you need is to take a plate, add some oil in it, dip the soft cloth into the olive oil and then gently rub the cloth over the dirty place. Then take another cloth, dip it into vinegar and then rub the dirty mark. After that leave the jacket to be dry. Then make a mix with vinegar and oil, dip another cloth into the mixture and again rub the dirty place. At last just take one last piece of soft clean cloth and rub it to the dirty spot.

Actually there are also some other techniques of cleaning the leather, such as using the machine or taking the leather to special cleaning houses. Of course these are also options, but the ones that we offered you are perfect if you do not want to spend much money by taking it to cleaning house and if you want to do it yourself, and you still want it to look good. It may seem hard, but in reality cleaning the leather jacket is not that hard. Take care of your leather jacket preciously!