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Mom and son relations are a difficult thing to set. The reason is that really men and women seem to be from completely different planets and it is hard to understand how they think of each other and it is harder to set good relations between them. Those moms who are single, they have much difficulties with raising up a good guy and meanwhile having no problems with him. Those mothers who have husband and their son has father are usually taking things easier, because there is a man who will make the son a real man. However, there are always some misunderstandings in mother-son relationship, and to overcome those things mother sometimes need to overlook their attitude and behavior.

So what shall mother do to have finest relationship with their sons?

Try not to impose your opinion on him. You know he is a boy, who is growing fast and you may not understand how fast he grew up. However, he did grow up and he is a man now. For you he will always be your little son, that is true, but you have to admit one day that he is grown up and he has the right to make his own decisions. Always, at any age, listen to his opinion and respect it. You may not agree and you should day your opinion also, but you should respect his ones. He is a man who must feel that he is respected. In this case he will become a stronger man, who is confident and able to make own decisions. Always respect his choices as well.

You may get worried but do not panic when he comes late at nights. He is a man he needs to have all the moments in his life to become a man. Do not make scandals why he comes late at nights, where he goes and with whom. Men need privacy and let him has his own privacy and you will see that slowly he will trust you more and tell everything you are interested in. Just do not push him too much.

Let him have his secrets with his father. Do not be jealous when he and his father are having some secrets from you. This is absolutely an ordinary thing that all men should have. So do not make scandals over this issue as well.

Let him be independent with his choice of girlfriend. He will have many girlfriends and will change them very quickly. Just teach him to respect all the women and that’s it. Do not indulge in his personal life as well. He just wants to have some fun. When he will have some serious relationship he will let you know for sure. Do not press him with questions.

At the same time, try to be extremely friendly with him. Keep the sense of humor. If you keep you sense of humor trust me, he will make friends with you easier than you thought he would.

The other thing that you should keep in spotlight is that you should not secretly enter his room and look up for some things. This is what everyone hates and your son is no exception. This way he will try to hide many things from you and will definitely make your relationship fallible.

You should create an image of the right girl in his mind from an early age. This is hard to do but you can do it. If you are a good mom, he will search a girl like you and you will be his role mother.

Do not spoil the guy. He must have independence, freedom and feel the respect but make him respect you also and teach him slowly how to do his own separate things without your help.

If you take into consideration the facts and things mentioned before then your relations with the son will be a brilliant one. These are not tips these are just the ways which show you what mom-son relations should be like.

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