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(c) Can Stock Photo

There is an ideal image of ideal family. If you look at it, you will clearly see that the most important thing there is the presence of both parents, both mother and father. Why is it so important? It is extremely important for the kids to be born, to rise up in full family, where there is no divorce, and where love and respect is in the air in the family. What does the presence of each parent mean to the child? First of all they make the baby recognize that men and women are different. This difference the child starts to understand at a very young age. In normal families father is the first male who the child sees, and mother is the first female who the baby recognizes. This also means that these 2 people become role model for the baby. The absence of one of them results in the lack of certain image in baby’s understanding. However let’s keep the focus on father’s role and understand what the presence and love of father mean to the child and what it brings to him or her.

Some people think that role of mother is more important, and that the love and presence of mom is subjected to father’s role. However, the reality is that the lack of father is just as negatively influential as that of mother’s.  The lack of father in the family brings certain problems connected to mental health, emotional stability and self-esteem. Moreover, some researchers even argue that the role of man is way much more important than mom’s role and presence in the child’s life.

Father’s presence and love is able to boost the self-confidence of a child better than anything.  Besides the presence and love of father can also bring stability and arise the self-esteem.

The first and very important thing that the presence of father can bring to the family is the feeling of protection. When dad is in the family, the child has the feeling of being protected and secure.  He feels that when dad is around, nothing can happen. This feeling is highly needed for children, to feel protected and secure.

The next thing that the presence and love of a dad can bring in child’s life is definitely the fact that the child will grow up more self-confident than he would without the lack of father. This means that the presence of father also gives them courage, because they feel secure, safe and protected when they have him in their life, they also become more courage. This fact is highly important when the child is growing up.

The feeling that he is needed. This is one of the most important things in everyone’s life. When you know that someone needs you. When dad loves the child, the child feels that someone needs him or her which also gives him or her huge motivation. That is also why the presence and love of a dad is extremely important.

The father brings also stability to child’s life.  The child, whether girl or boy, especially girl, starts to love the first male in his life. The roles of a female and male kind of get divided and picture kind of stability in baby’s mental field.

The presence and not only just the presence but also the love of a father is something irreplaceable for children, they do not only bring those things mentioned before, but they bring happiness to the child. Very often the presence and love of dad is much more important in baby’s life than even mother’s. So please, if you are a father, always be by your child’s side, support and love him or her, because it is something which can never be replaces by anything.