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We all perfectly know what menopause is. It is when a woman loses her period.  It happens when a woman is already getting old and loses her freshness. The menopause is confirmed after 12 months of you losing your period.

After menopause women face major difficulties and major changes in their organism, which reflects every aspect of their lives. They can become more emotional and stressed out, because their organisms try to adopt the changes. Taking those hormonal changes is not an easy thing, and this transitional period is really hard for women and can last for different periods of time.

Usually menopause appears at the age of 52. However it can happen from 40 until 58. However, postmenopausal period is full of risks for women. At this period woman is known to have lost her health, and a period of possible health issues are raising over horizon. Women can be facing osteoporosis or hearth disease. Despite this fact, some women may feel more energetic during postmenopausal period.

Actually when you think your period is over forever, because you have not have periods for some months does not really mean you are in postmenopausal period. Postmenopausal period is confirmed only in a year, when you noticed you do not have periods. This means that you can get pregnant before the one year. Besides, in confirmed postmenopausal period you also had better protect.

The most important thing when it comes to postmenopausal period is holding regular check-ups with your doctor. The most important check-ups include pelvic exams, breast exams, mammograms, pop smears. However, it depends on your health history, which will directly lead your doctor to understand what kind of problems you may face.

Why do you need pelvic exams? As we know the risk of cancer always increases with the age and if you held pelvic exams regularly, in case of cancer you may be able to detect it earlier in both menopausal and postmenopausal period.

A pop smears is important to check regularly because it allows to understand the changes in the cells of cervix, which helps us to detect the cervical cancer or the risks of having cancer in future.

Mammogram is needed to detect the breast cancer and is actually a part of breast test. Many and many women in postmenopausal period get breast cancer that is the reason why mammogram is needed every half a year.

So as you have noticed all the main check-ups in postmenopausal period are directly connected with cancer, because of serious hormonal changes in organism. Regular check-ups are a must in this period. Some women also wonder and get shocked knowing that they can get pregnant at postmenopausal period. However, yes, it is important to know that you can get pregnant while you are in postmenopausal period. So keep in mind to protect yourself always.

Heart diseases are also widely spread during this period of a woman’s life. So be careful with heart issues as well, take care of heart pressure to insure you will not have a sudden heart attack.

During this period some women become more sensitive and stresses, some just the other way, become more stable and energetic.  Menopausal and postmenopausal period is different for all the women, however all have to visit doctor regularly and have regular check-ups based on what we have introduced before in this article.

Do not be afraid of menopause and accept your organism the way it functions. Be healthy and keep on positive.

Ani Mkrtchyan, a child of 3 nation, editor-in-chief of fashion of TTM. She will help your with your fashion tips. SHe is not ony into fashion but she writes articles on serious issues also, like politics. SHe is a student of BS of Polticial Science. I am a young, enthusiastic girl, a hardworking and strong-willed one, who sets goals and tries her best to reach them and who wants to be professional in everything she does. My dream is to make a good career on my own and become a successful woman step by step.