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Almost all women find being beautiful one of the most important things of their lives. To reach the beauties that they desire people and most often women have created various means for that.  For example, plastic surgeries, which however, are not advisable? The natural type of beauty is always more desirable than the artificial one. Unfortunately, not every girl is well aware of harsh consequences of artificial beauty and those girls are most often face some kind of physiological problems, because every time after they do some surgery they cannot stop and go for it all the time for different reasons thus, spoiling their natural beauty and creating the image of artificial doll. In this case they also lose their charm and their individuality because somehow they become the same, same nose, same eyes, same look, same dressing sense, everything becomes the same and nothing unique remains.

However, there still are some women who appreciate natural beauty and are not into surgery. These women are absolutely incredible and have strong will because they can change things in them, but they accept themselves as they are,  so they are really strong to be who they are and to show the world real state of their appearance.

Thus our advice is that you should try to be as natural as possible because later on in your old days you will feel the negative impact of surgery on your skin and body, and on your health in general. Natural is always more esthetic. Nature is art, and if we look from this point of view then we are all masterpieces that surgery should not spoil. We are works of art, all in different way.

Some women think that they are not beautiful enough. For these women we can say that everyone has some good points. Even in ugly things we can find beauty. The greatest thing a woman can do is to make an advantage out of shortcoming. If you think you have shortcomings find some ways to preset them as some key factors that make you unique and actually you will realize that they help you to be you.

Not only natural beauty is more preferable when it comes to the use of surgery, but also to the make-up and to hairstyle.

We know how bad wearing tons of make-up can result in our skin health. We definitely should avoid using much make-up in our everyday routine, especially when this make-up attributes are not highly qualified. Better is just to have one lipstick with you and that one eyeliner.  Avoid using creams to make your skin smooth because they will cover the skin cells which will have some negative impact when you grow old one day. The same refers to the hairs style. You know how bad are those hair straighteners and some other machines that produce heat and in this way are to form our hair. You can always find some interesting solutions with your natural hair, whether they are curly, straight or wavy.

Nature is art, and art is beauty in our opinion. Our beauty tips are connected with the natural state.  When you are natural you are unique and that is what the beauty is. So accept your own beauty and be happy. It is so easy, no more effort to put in it.