There are many mysteries in our lives, including the Bermuda triangle, the ghosts or the existence of them and many others. However one thing that still remains completely undiscovered topic is the existence of Aliens or UFO or as you may call them, the mysterious creators or inhabitants of other planets. People think that we are not the only inhabitants of the planet and not the only owners of the Cosmos space, but there are also other inhabitants which are much more developed and advanced than we are. They look different, they think different, they have different cars and machines, which humans were not able to create and that it will take many decades for us to reach to the level of development that they did. There Is also widely spread opinion that the things that exist on earth and have ancient history, could not have been built by the hands of humans beings are made by aliens. Among such cases are the Egyptian pyramids, which are very old and are built which such huge stones, that humans of that time could not built them, as they could not have so many advanced technologies and machines. By carrying them simply on their bodies and building them is impossible with our physical abilities. Not only the physical, but also the mental aspect of aliens is said to be much stronger than that of humans. Again if we refer to Egyptian pyramids we will clearly see that there are so many mental tools to be used that people of that time were not able to do that to have such mathematical solutions and realize them. So we have really much ground to think that there are some other inhabitants in our cosmic sphere.
If we look at this issue philosophically we will surely have the opinion that definitely there are some aliens, because we cannot be the only creatures of the whole cosmic endless world. The whole Cosmos is not fully discovered by humans, by earth inhabitants, and moreover, very few things are discovered in endless cosmos, and if we did not discover the cosmos we cannot state that there are no other inhabitants in this endless home that we have, in this giant and mysterious sphere. Technically that statement is quite accurate, but the only thing is that empty space we need to fill with much arguments and evidence.
When it comes to evidence, we have seen a lot. Many witnesses state that they have seen some aliens or UFO planes flying around them. Even in Yerevan 5 years ago there was much confusion about it. The issue of aliens became very popular because some people stated that they have seen UFO plane in sky above the Moscow Cinema, situated on Abovyan street. There were even videos, and the plane looked pretty much like those in movies that we all have seen. It was round and had lights of different colors on it.
There are even talks that the governments of some countries, particularly the US government, when having John Kennedy as president, negotiated with Aliens. Some even state that there is a special laboratory that examines Aliens caught in different places.
There is another point. Some people consider that Aliens come to earth and take human being with them in order to examine their mental and physical abilities. There is another, more scaring point of view. It is said that they had sexual contacts with some human beings and now we have people who are born from a human being and an Aliens. This technically means that they are part Aliens part humans. There was even one girl who said that she had a sexual contact with UFO and that the UFO visited her from time to time, they really loved each other. She also stated that after having sexual contact with him, she felt very weak and could not get well for a few days.
There was an old woman in Siberia, Russia who claimed that she found an alien baby under the trees of Siberia. She believed that the baby would live, she feed her and gave water, however the baby Alien could not survive and died. The villager took the body and kept in the office of Special Forces of Siberia. It is said that they still keep the body of it.
I personally have a course mate whose father is a pilot. I remember, she stated that he always believed that there are UFOs and because some mysterious accidents happened to him while driving the plane. Once he all of a sudden lost the control of the plane and went to completely different direction, but it was not caused by anything connected to the technical condition of the plane or his abilities to drive. It happened very mysteriously, and he believes it was something done by unidentified flying objects and by aliens.
The reason why also it is said that they are more advanced and clever, is that probably they exist longer than we do, and that we are not the first inhabitants of cosmos. They are much older and that is the actual reason why they have achieved much more than we did in our lives. We think that we have accomplished many things, but what humans did is almost nothing compared to what the Aliens did and reached. That in its turn is one of the main reason why we cannot find them out now. We cannot really back up the idea of their existence with many facts. All we have are just people that talk and tell their stories, without much proof.
There is also another quite popular point of view saying that there are no mysterious creatures in cosmos, the ones who talk about it are just mad people, who have some mental problems or too vivid imagination. They say that there is really much to argue about this question. A point is brought that the idea of NFOs was put by some governments to scare people and to realize some political issues. For example to spread some scary feeling among the population in order to shift the public attention from country’s serious domestic problems to somewhere else. This means that no Alien exists and that it is just made up by government to create a particular atmosphere in society or for other purposes which need to be observed.
While those who believe that there are Aliens living in cosmos, believe that they have different looks. Some say that there is just one type of Alien. Those who believe in it, think that they have this traditional Alien look we have seen in movies. Blue slippery skin, long and big eyes, different shape of head, and in general very scary and not pleasant look.
In contrast with this, there are people in who share the point of view of Aliens existing, but who also clearly state that there cannot be just one type of Alien. If there are Aliens, then there are many kind of Aliens. They represent different planets and look quite different. They behave different, according to the atmosphere they live in and they have different kinds of behavior. Even their attitude towards human being is highly different of what we traditionally believe in. They believe that there are good and bad Aliens, and that their intentions are different. Those Aliens that are blue and unpleasant are really bad ones, they want to steal humans and make them suffer by observing their physical and mental abilities and be a threat to our mental and physical integrity. On the other hand, there are Aliens, that are really good looking. They have light color of hair, light skin, blue or dark eyes, they are quite attractive and look like us. They are just like all humans are. These are those Aliens that are good and just live their lives normally as we do, and surely represent a completely different planet from those of bad Aliens. Actually, people who share this idea, also state that not Aliens are many in number, and that for some of these Aliens, we are also Aliens. We are not alone in the Cosmos and that we are surrounded by uncountable amount of planets with their own inhabitants just like the earth with humans.
The theme of Aliens and UFOs and the existence of Aliens is a very controversial issue. Much has been said about it. The media also referred to this issue a lot, however all we have now is just unproved ideas and opinions. Hopefully, the day will come and we will discover what remained undiscovered for us.