
for banner resizeFamily homes are often cluttered with a jumble of everything from books, papers and toys to mail, fancy ornaments and garden tools. Such a mess not only makes the home look untidy, but also makes things difficult to locate when you need them. Clearing your home of unwanted paraphernalia with spring cleaning is quite a task, but not an insurmountable one. However, maintaining it that way every single day is difficult.

You can use these tips to make a big change and have your dwelling free of paraphernalia and keep it that way.

In order to maintain zero clutter, you must first rid your home of all the excess junk.

  1. For starters, make three lists to categorize all the items in your household. One about the ones to keep, another listing the items to sell and the last of the ones you can donate.

  2. Proceed to sort every toy, childhood art project, letter, Christmas card and item of clothing into these piles until you have it all sorted.

  3. Look at things objectively instead of hanging on to them for their sentimental value. This will help you give away the likes of ornamental pieces and photo frames that you never use.


  1. One of the best ways to avoid clutter is to avoid its accumulation in the first place. Ensure that you put away items after using them on a daily or even hourly basis. In case that doesn’t happen, make sure you do it like a chore before bedtime, so that every morning is clutter-free.

  2. Say no to Random shopping trips where you bring home curios and unwanted knickknacks. Anything that you need to purchase you will already know about, so compulsive shoppers can stick to a shopping list.

  3. Use the excuse of every holiday, event or vacation time to spring clean. This will help you part with the items that gradually crop up in your living space without you noticing.

  4. A lot of people have stacks of old newspapers and junk mail lying around that makes a mess. Deal with the mail as soon as it arrives and put the unwanted letters to the rubbish pile. You can add each day’s newspaper to the same pile and recycle it at the end of the month.

  5. Alternatively, you have the option of not subscribing to weekly or monthly periodicals and fulfilling your quota of daily news on the internet. It completely avoids the routine buildup of subscription letters and old publications along with saving you money.

  6. Allot a space for every object in the house including coffee mugs, gardening tools and cereal boxes. You can even go crazy with the label maker to ensure that your kids and family members utilize the same place for each object. This will make sure that you have a clear and clutter-free table.

Using these handy tactics lets own a spotless and clear living space that is not only well organized, but truly is a delight to live in.