The day of sacrifice

On the cross at Cavalry Hill the son of God suffered for the sins of men. With passing hour of pain, Jesus left testimony of his love for men, and to this day believers mourn his suffering, as they rejoice in the covenant of deliverance in his name. Good Friday for some, great Friday for others marks the passion of Christ and the seal of this covenant on which all believers put their hopes. Hopes for a place in the kingdom of heaven when they stand before their maker once judgment day come. Jesus Christ was crucified between two thieves on Good Friday, and as he forsakes his body on Golgotha, the prince of peace embraced an eternal life.

The Gospel

Betrayed by one of his disciples Judas Iscariot for a price of 30 pieces of silver, Jesus is arrested at the Garden of Gethsemane. Interrogated to no avail by the high priest Caiaphas and his followers, Jesus is finally condemned of Blasphemy. On the following morning, Jesus is produced before the roman governor Pontius Pilate on charges of subversion. Pilate is not convinced of the charges and even refers the charges to King Herod the ruler of Galilee, who also can’t find Jesus guilty. Pilate resolves to release Jesus after whipping him, but the crowd guided by the priests seeks release of a known murderer Barabbas instead. Pilate still doesn’t want to be part of this affair, but fearing riots finally accedes to the crucifixion of Jesus, washing his hands symbolizing his being not part of the condemnation of Jesus.

Jesus bears his own cross to Golgotha, and is helped by Simon of Cyrene as he falters and is then crucified as Jesus of Nazareth, King of Jews between two common petty criminals. After six hours of agony Jesus gives up his soul and dies. This is accompanied by earthquakes, tombs being broken up and even the curtain at the temple being torn up. The centurion on guard pierces the side of Jesus to see blood and water coming out and pronounces the death of Jesus. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, two followers approach pilate and claim Jesus’ body. Wrapping the body in a clean shroud and in aloe myrh and other spices, the body is placed in a tomb as per the jewish burial customs. This done they come home to rest as per the traditions of Sabath. Thus draws end the life of the prince of peace and awaits the next chapter of His myth through resurrection.

Symbols in the gospel

Some symbolisms that have endured the crucifixion of Jesus include:

Bearing the cross: Jesus bore his cross to Golgotha and this is often symblised to each of us having to bear our own burdens even as Jesus bore his cross to death

Crown of thrones: This not only signifies jesus as the king of jews but also the pain jesus bears on his brow for the sins of man

Death hour: Jesus dies after 6 hours of agony around 3 pm. This is the time for the sacrifice of the sacrificial lamb for Passover, thus signifying Jesus’ offer of himself as the sacrificial lamb pure and holy.

Tearing of the temple curtain: this signified the removal of all restrictions between common people and the holiest of hollies of a temple and thus God, allowing commune of common people to God through their beloved advocate Jesus the son of God.


Customs of the day

The passion of Christ and his sacrifice for the sins of man are celebrated on Good Friday by all believers. Fasting, prayer and reflection form the basis of Good Friday. Indeed Good Friday and Easter signifying the sacrifice and promise respectively made by Jesus form the very heart of Christianity. Catholic worship is based on Liturgy of Word, Veneration of the Cross and Holy Communion. The congregation led by the clergy prays for the sins of man, for the pope, for the church, for jews and for non believers of Jesus and God. A crucifix is unveiled and venerated accompanied by hymns and chants. This is followed by Holy Communion, post which the altar is left bare by removing the altar cloth leaving only the cross and candles.

Varying beliefs in various churches are prevalent, but prayer and fasting form the core. Processions marking the one made by Jesus are enacted with symbolic crucifixion being done in many places. In certain parts of the world like Philippines, some followers willingly undergo actual crucifixion. In Bermudas kites are flown to mark the cross and the ascent of Jesus’ spirit to the heavens. This day today is typically celebrated as a holiday, with abstinence from alcohol being state sponsored in countries like Ireland.

All in all Good Friday marks an important day towards the promise made by Jesus to all believers in His name. A promise made of forgiveness and a place in the kingdom of heaven when Armageddon comes. A promise that Jesus made with his blood on good Friday and sealed with his resurrection on Easter.


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