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It is so essential to know that there are some gangsters in the world of business who can inspire you. It is always good to see a people like who once had their dreams just the way that you do and then all of a sudden they make all their dreams come true. Of course it is inspiring and for a person who wants to achieve something regardless the sphere it is just so crucial to have an inspiration. For many people Bill Gates has always been an inspiration when it comes to entrepreneurship and to how a person can reach up to many things just being an ordinary person like anyone else.
Bill Gates set and owned a computer software company which made him the richest man in the world. Bill Gates has a net worth of 89,5 billion dollars. He is now no longer the richest man in the world but he is still a billionaire and a philanthropist. So in this article we are going to get lessons from Bill Gates which he himself took from his life and that he gives now to the youth.
- The very first lesson from Bill Gates is luck. He thinks that luck is very important. However Bill Gates says ”get luck” which actually means that you can be lucky but you might not notice it. He thinks that many people do not really notice the luck and just pass by it. That is the reason why he tells get lucky.
- The next lesson that Bill Gates has given is that you should make the most out of your luck. This means that you have to ”squeeze” your luck so much so as to get the maximum out of it. You should not only just notice your luck but put effort into it. Luck alone is not enough. Bill Gates had the chance to have computer when the others did not have he saw his luck but at the same time he put an effort to master it. That is what he means by saying that you should make the most out of your luck.
- Bill Gates’ next lesson is that the entrepreneur should bite a little more than he can chew. This is also from his personal experience and he believes that biting a bit more can make you do better in a short period of time because you have to do it whether you want it or not.
- Bill Gates’ next lesson is that quality control is very important. Even when he became CEO and started hiring programmers he did not stop reviewing and very often he was even rewriting every single code that the company was producing. So what you should really learn from here is that the quality of what you are producing is really important and if you are a CEO it does not mean that you should not be involved in the work.
- The very next lesson which is a brilliant one from Bill Gates is that the revolutionary ideas are not to be told and just to be shown. The thing is that very often they will not believe in your idea because they have not seen anything like that before. What you should do is to just make your idea alive and then you will see if it is revolutionary or no because people may not imagine it the way you do.
- The next advice from Bill Gates which is also very important for entrepreneur is that you should share your vision with your team. The thing is that your team must know exactly about your mission. Share with your team your ideas and make sure that they have the same vision as you.
- The next lesson which is also a very interesting one is that Bill Gates thinks that marketing is really simple. He believes that people do not buy the product because of its great logo or low price but because they have a problem which the product can solve and if you can demonstrate it, then it becomes so simple.
- Another amazing and brilliant lesson from Bill Gates is that you should not learn from success. By saying this he meant that success can make our vision blurry and you should be over confident after you taste the success once but should stay bold and try working in the same way and even harder so as to keep success.
- And the next and we would say the last lesson from Bill Gates is that you should definitely learn from the unhappy customers. You should learn from them by becoming better and improving your products and the unhappy customers can also benefit you.
These are the lessons from the inspiring Bill Gates that can be extremely beneficial for you as an entrepreneur. We hope that you can use them.