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NO matter how much we say that both parents are equally responsible for children, in reality, moms are busy with raising the children more than man. Mothers bring up both sons and daughters. Actually it is good that women raise the daughters, but is it so in son’s case? Sons usually need the presence of dad at certain period of their lives, because there are things that mothers cannot know, or will not be able to figure out everything. However, in any case, mothers play a major role in both daughters and sons’ lives, so let’s see how mom should treat her son.

The mom and son relationship is really a complicated and difficult one just like the dad-daughter relationship is. If you want to have healthy and good relations with your dad then you definitely should put an effort into it. When you have a son and basically you are a single parent, things will get even more difficult for you. So let’s understand how it should be like to raise up a boy.

The very first thing you should remember is that he is still a kid. Some women try so hard in raising a real man that they fail because they create an overlap. Yes you should raise a real man, but do not forget that he is a kid, and he cannot be as brief, as confident as you are. So do not put too much thing over his shoulders.

Point our every positive thing you see in men in front of your child. For example if a man helped you with something in a market, then tell your son how kind that man was. This will help him to have the right image of real man, to evaluate the right qualities in character and behavior and will help him become a good man.

What you child sees you doing, is putting make up on you. This is not something a future real man must know how to do. So make a fun basket full of boy staff like cologne, shower cream, shaving cream and other staff, so as to make him feel as if he is growing up and he is a real man, who does all these things in morning.

Take him to boy clubs. For example you can take him to basketball or involve him into some other group activities, which will definitely help with getting along with mates. As guys grow up it becomes more and more difficult to make friends and to adopt in the sphere, so just let him get used to meeting new guys and making friends with them. This will also help him become a real man, as he will meet many guys and will learn lots of staff from them.

It would have been great if you could find him an older man friend. Having an older man, who would be his friend, could have been much helpful. Boys need men in their lives, and having one elder friend, could replace dad at some point.

Make him get used to schedule. This will make his life more organized since childhood, which in turn will make him be responsible and create an image of real man, who does not fail but is always ready to complete the tasks.

One thing is also very important. You should teach him how to respect women. Tell him stories, explain situations and make him realize that he must be a gentleman and help women. Respect and take care of them.

Buy him cool clothes and make him feel cool, inspired and courage. A good man must be courage. SO just make him be courage, do not be scared seeing him into fights and quarrels.  Let him do his own thing and this is how he will become a real man.

These were the 8 most important tips on how we should rise a son up. It is actually one of the hardest things to do in life. Raising up a son is not a joke, and you should follow at least these 8 tips to raise up a good one. Some women do succeed in raising a real man, so we are sure you can also do that.


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