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Dandruff is indeed known to be as one of the worst things that can happen to your hair. Dandruff really make you upset because they do not look nice on head, and hair, and you cannot normally go out with dandruff on your head. They look ugly and besides unhealthy. The hair is full of white small stuff and you cannot pull them all out and you cannot also fight with them. In reality, dandruff is a disorder of a common sculp.
The dandruff appears on dry skin, or on the irritated oily skin. It can also be caused because of the bacteria. In order to fight a heavy dandruff you can apply some home remedies to you hair. So let’s see what kind of home remedies can help you with the dandruff unpleasant problem.
- The first remedy is made of Indian neem or so called lilac. This is a famous antibacterial and antifungal product, which will be helpful in case of treating the dandruff, and hair drop. Take the leaves of lilac, boil them, and then use the water to rinse your hair with. This is a really effective and natural method, which will not absolutely harm your hair.
- Coconut oil also has some antifungal properties, thanks to which the hair dandruff can be easily solved. Take a coconut oil and mix it with the lemon juice. After that put the liquid on you scalp and massage for some minutes. Leave it on your hair for about 20 minutes and then only wash your hair. This should be done for about 3 times a week to have an effective result.
- The apple vinegar helps to balance the growth of yeast, and therefore the next remedy is made of apple vinegar. It also functions as natural clarifier and helps to clean the hair follicles effectively. Use 2 tablespoons of apple vinegar, add some water and also tea tree oil drops. Mix and apply to your scalp and massage. Leave it on your hair for a few minutes and then rinse. Repeat this twice a week.
- The next remedy is made of baking soda. You may be shocked to know this, but baking soda removes the dead cells of scalp and absorbs the excess oil. It will help to reduce the growth of fungi, which in its turn will not cause dandruff. You will just have to wet your hair, then apply few drops of baking soda on scalp, live for a few minutes and then rinse well with the use of warm water. This should be done once a week.
- The next brilliant ingredient which helps you to fight the dandruff is definitely the white vinegar. The white vinegar helps you to prevent the growth of fungi in the best way, which in its turn prevents the appearance of dandruff. So what we need to do is to mix the white vinegar with olive oil and water. Apply this to your hair and leave on hair for about 10 minutes. After 10 minutes just rinse it off with shampoo. Repeat this once or twice a week.
As you can see there are quite many natural ways which will help you to fight against the dandruff. The dandruff is probably the most unpleasant hair problem ever, because it damages the hair and at the same time the damage is very well seen for everyone. Sometimes you cannot even go out because the dandruff is too obvious.
Thus these were the 5 home natural remedies that will prevent or remove the dandruff problem and at the same time will do no harm to you hair or scalp.