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Is it really only mother’s duty to sit with the baby? This always has been such a controversial issue and topic that no one can really understand what is right in this case what is wrong. Basically all that we know is that sitting with baby the whole day, at home is not really funny. Yes, I do agree that you love your children and devoting much time to them is simply wonderful, but on the other side, not really so.
You get mentally and physically tired. You start looking up to those people who do not have children and fully enjoy their lives, hanging out with friends and having parties. While sitting with baby at home basically means that you stop living for you and just do it all for the child. No parties, no fun, no sleep. All you know is baby’s cry. This was the oldest model for the mothers.
However things have been changing so fast, that the mom’s duties started to change as well. We can clearly see that today, in 21st century, sitting with the baby is not only mom’s obligation or duty. Fathers are also getting more and more involved into this issue. Where does this come from that women started sharing their historical duty with men?
This came with the feminist movement, in the early 20th century. Women were fighting for the equal right with men. The rights were also including the right to work. Once women started working, they had to share the role of sitting with the baby with fathers. They cannot work and keep the child at the same time. Many parents started taking different shifts on their workplaces to balance the baby sitting process. Some hired babysitters, while those who could not afford hiring a babysitter just decided that one of the parents should sit with the baby. How do they decide who should sit with baby nowadays?
Nowadays it is not related to the sex of parent, I mean no more we pay attention to the fact whether it is the father or mother, but to the fact who ears more. If the mother earns more than the father, then it is quite logical that the couple will prefer the man be busy with the babysitting rather than the woman, who is able to earn more money.
Here comes another question. Is it right that the child is raised up mostly by father? Actually this is also an individual and very subjective issue. People say that women are much better at babysitting than fathers. Some say it is not the father’s thing, because men are not concentrated, their mind is all over the place and that they are not able to take care of the baby precisely. However, this is just a stereotype in my opinion. Many people would agree, that it does not matter father or mother. Fathers can be much more attentive and responsible when it comes to baby care than men.
Moreover, men as a rule are stronger than women. So while taking the baby, pushing them up, taking him or her out, the father can definitely be more protecting than mother, which is really good for the child. The child will feel that is protected and safe at a really young age which will have a good impact on him or her.
Besides some fathers are better cooks also. So if you think that men cannot cook and make good dishes for the child, than you are heavily mistaken, as the best cook nowadays are known to be men.
Honestly I do not see any reason why women or moms are considered to be the only ones to be responsible for babysitting. This is not fare to women just for the fact that they are women. Thing has been luckily changed and it is extremely nice that today both parents can share this responsibility between them and make all the things easier for both. Luckily the mentality is changed in most of the countries when it comes to this issue. Besides sharing this duty will allow you to enjoy the time spent with your child and appreciate those moments more than you would.